Comfort has never been so green
For an unforgettable experience, stay at our country resort immersed in nature. With a wide range of services and comforts, Agua Green Country Resort will allow you to relax and regenerate. From the rooms to the recreational facilities and the farm, everything is designed to offer you a first-class stay surrounded by nature and lulled by the song of cicadas
All the conveniences you seek within reach at Agua Green! You just have to relax and enjoy your vacation, we’ll take care of the rest.
The rooms of the Country Resort
The perfect choice for those who don’t want to choose between the relaxation of the sea and the desire to explore Sicily’s Baroque cities. Immersed in the greenery of the olive grove, the apartments have outdoor spaces, a bar area, and a pool, an agreement with the beach, and parking facilities.
Agua Green Restaurant
At Agua Green Restaurant, ‘taste’ nature, with products that come directly from our greenhouses, such as fruits and the famous local cherry tomatoes. Even more delicious when enjoyed while gazing at the pool of the Country Resort.